Steps 2 Cope provides one to one support and/or online web-based info, support and self help resources to young people, aged 11-18, affected by a parent's misue of alcohol
Treatment and support services
This section gives information on drug and alcohol treatment and support services available across Northern Ireland. There are a wide range of services available from short term extended brief interventions to more longer term community based or residential based one to one therapeutic treatment services. There are also services which offer ongoing recovery focussed group support, services which offer advice and support for your wider needs such as housing and ‘low threshold’ services specifically set up for those not yet ready or able to engage with mainstream or longer term treatment services.
Drug and alcohol services operate within a ‘Tiered Model’ and before searching for a service it might be useful to click here and learn more about what type of help and support is available at each ‘Tier.’ This may help you to better understand which level of support you might need or prefer and to better fine-tune your search options or to filter your results.
Statutory addiction service provided by a range of specialist teams within community and hospital settings (Community Addiction Team, Addiction Day Treatment Services, Drug Outreach Team, Substitute Prescribing Team and Substance Misuse Liaison Nurses)
Family support service, one to one support, auricular acupuncture, mentoring and referral service
One to one throughcare support where alcohol is an issue for prisoners and their families on release from prison (Hydebank, Maghaberry and Magilligan)
Family support service, one to one support, auricular acupuncture, mentoring and referral service
Statutory addiction service provided by a range of specialist teams within community and hospital settings (Community Addiction Team, Addiction Day Treatment Services, Drug Outreach Team, Substitute Prescribing Team and Substance Misuse Liaison Nurses)
Statutory addiction service provided by a range of specialist teams within community and hospital settings (Community Addiction Team, Addiction Day Treatment Services, Drug Outreach Team, Substitute Prescribing Team and Substance Misuse Liaison Nurses)
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind supports individuals and families affected by both mental health and alcohol problems. Services include mentoring, counselling and a personal development programme.
One to one support, family support, auricular acupuncture, drop in, mentoring and referral service
Statutory specialist addiction service provided by a range of specifically trained professionals providing physical, psychological and social interventions for individuals and families who experience moderate to high level of dependency to alcohol and/or drugs