One to one support, family support, auricular acupuncture, drop in, mentoring and referral service General information left Organisation: Hope Centre7-11 Broughshane StreetBallymenaBT43 6EBRegion: NHSCT/NDACT right Type of service: Treatment and supportTelephone: 028 2563 2726Website: http://www.hopeballymena.comEmail: Treatment and support Left Substance: AlcoholDrugsAge group: 18-2121-2526-5455+Access/referral information: GP or other statutory service referralsOpen/Self or family referrals accepted Right Tier of service provision: Tier 2Out of hours provision (e.g. evenings and/ or weekend sessions/ appointments available): NoTreatment and support services: Talking therapies e.g. counselling CBT etc.Mentoring/Key workingSupport for familiesStructured activitiesAdvice and supportComplementary therapiesDrop in (*Or can offer Drop in clinics)Support group(s) or Group support Location map Get directions Fill in the form below. To This address Starting from * Travel mode DrivingWalkingBicyclingPublic transportGet Directions