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QUEST works collaboratively with people to identify triggers or patterns of behaviours that lead to periods of alcohol misuse or lifestyle decisions which are continually impacting negatively on their mental health - activities range from personal development programmes and stress management to confidence building and negotiating skills


QUEST works collaboratively with people to identify triggers or patterns of behaviours that lead to periods of alcohol misuse or lifestyle decisions which are continually impacting negatively on their mental health - activities range from personal development programmes and stress management to confidence building and negotiating skills


HURT's drug and alcohol lifeskills programme can deliver workshops in school, youth and community settings.

HURT are approved to deliver a range of accredited programmes. We are approved by T.Q.U.K. (Training Qualification A.K) O.C.N. (Open College Network) and C.P.C.AB. (Central Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body) and facilitate programmes such as Level 3 Award In Education and Training Level 5 Substance Misuse Theory and Intervention.


Certified Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC)
As your coach, I will help:
- mentor and guide you in learning how to embark on a life without alcohol.
- feel supported by providing a safe, non-judgemental and confidential environment to discuss your current challenges with alcohol.
- develop a recovery plan with realistic goals, help keep you accountable to it and continually reassess and make adjustments as you progress.
- work with you collaboratively to resolve barriers to change.
- be your guide/mentor in relation to coping mechanisms, moving through the cycle of change and developing new behaviour patterns.
- deal with relapse and work towards reducing the changes of it happening again.
- be your cheerleader helping you identify and celebrate the changes and progress made.
- guide you to other sources of help if required.

Coaching is person centred (you are the expert on you), forward focused and goal driven.
IMPORTANT - Coaching does not replace therapy or counselling. A recovery coach does not diagnose conditions or treat them. A Coach is not medically trained therefore cannot provide guidance in relation to detox or assistance to those who are physically dependent on alcohol.


NMDAP deliver a range of education and prevention packages to communities, service providers and individuals across the Newry and Mourne area - we also offer a specialised black and minority ethnic drug and alcohol service which covers the whole SHSCT area, and facilitate the work of the Civic Alcohol and Drug Forum in partnership with Newry & Mourne District Council