General information left Organisation: Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT)Maple Villa, Gransha ParkLondonderryBT47 6WJRegion: WHSCT/WDACT right Type of service: Early intervention and preventionTelephone: 028 7186 5127Website: http://www.westerntrust.hscni.netEmail: Treatment and support Left Early intervention and prevention groups: Adults (18+)Older people (55+)Parents and carersYoung adults (18-25)Young people (17 and under)Early intervention and prevention settings: Within community and/or youth settingWithin family settingWithin school settingWithin workplace setting Right Early intervention and prevention times: DaytimeEarly intervention and prevention services: Source of awareness-raising materials (leaflets posters booklets etc.) Location map Get directions Fill in the form below. To This address Starting from * Travel mode DrivingWalkingBicyclingPublic transportGet Directions