Within workplace setting

This is a full list of the services provided by this organisation that are included on this website.

Early intervention and prevention
Callan House, Westcourt Centre, 8-30 Barrack Street

This service is a structured support service for young people aged 11-25 years old, living in Northern Ireland, who have been impacted by parental substance misuse and mental health problems.
The Service offers flexible one to one support at a time and place to suit you. Self help support is also available on our website.

We look at:
1. What is living with this like for you
2. Information: Learning more about alcohol and alcohol misuse
3. How do you cope?
4. What supports do you have?
5. Where you can get further support.

We also train other professionals to use the intervention within their own services.

Early intervention and prevention
14 Clarendon Street

HURT's drug and alcohol lifeskills programme can deliver workshops in school, youth and community settings.

HURT are approved to deliver a range of accredited programmes. We are approved by T.Q.U.K. (Training Qualification A.K) O.C.N. (Open College Network) and C.P.C.AB. (Central Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body) and facilitate programmes such as Level 3 Award In Education and Training Level 5 Substance Misuse Theory and Intervention.

Early intervention and prevention
Maple Villa, Gransha Park
Early intervention and prevention
7a Dublin Road

The WDACT Connections Service (hosted in Western area by ASCERT) acts as the operational arm of the Western Drug and Alcohol Cooridnation Team (WDACT); assisting the Team to take forward its priority actions and to work with other stakeholder organisations and partnerships in the area to develop and deliver drug and/or alcohol related projects, events and initiatives

Early intervention and prevention
St Luke's Hospital, 71 Loughall Road

Health promotion and improvement publications and resources

Early intervention and prevention
Mount Zion House, Flat 9, Edward Street

The DACT Connections Service (hosted in Southern area by Start 360) acts as the operational arm of the Southern Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team (SDACT); assisting the Team to take forward its priority actions and to work with other stakeholder organisations and partnerships in the area to develop and deliver drug and/or alcohol related projects, events and initiatives

Early intervention and prevention
Spruce House, Cushendall Road

Health promotion and improvement publications and resources

Early intervention and prevention
1st Floor, 7-9 Wellington Street,

The NDACT Connections Service (hosted in Northern area by Start 360) acts as the operational arm of the Northern Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team (NDACT); assisting the Team to take forward its priority actions and to work with other stakeholder organisations and partnerships in the area to develop and deliver drug and/or alcohol related projects, events and initiatives

Early intervention and prevention
23 Bridge Street

The SEDACT Connections Service (hosted in South Eastern area by ASCERT) acts as the operational arm of the South Eastern Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team (SEDACT); assisting the Team to take forward its priority actions and to work with other stakeholder organisations and partnerships in the area to develop and deliver drug and/or alcohol related projects, events and initiatives. The Connections workers can be contacted by individuals or groups in the community who have concerns or queries in regards alcohol/ other drug initiatives and services. As well as supporting and developing local campaigns, the Connections service are a source of information and best practice and keep communities up to date on recent trends as well as developing responses to issues. SE Connections also makes links between the community and drug/alcohol sectors and other fields such as family support and mental health, and can signpost inidividuals to the relevant services when required.

Early intervention and prevention
1st Floor, Dorothy Gardiner Building, Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Saintfield Road

Health promotion and improvement publications (leaflets and posters) and library resources (books, DVDs, CDs, resource packs and demonstration models).