Steps 2 Cope provides one to one support and/or online web-based info, support and self help resources to young people, aged 11-18, affected by a parent's misue of alcohol General information left Organisation: ASCERT & Barnardos & SEHSCTCallan House, Westcourt Centre, 8-30 Barrack Street BelfastBT12 4AHRegion: BHSCT/BDACTNHSCT/NDACTSEHSCT/SEDACTSHSCT/SDACTWHSCT/WDACT right Type of service: Treatment and supportTelephone: 0800 254 5123Website: Treatment and support Left Substance: AlcoholDrugsAge group: <18Access/referral information: GP or other statutory service referralsOpen/Self or family referrals accepted Right Tier of service provision: Tier 2Out of hours provision (e.g. evenings and/ or weekend sessions/ appointments available): NoTreatment and support services: Mentoring/Key workingSupport for familiesSpecific support for families affected by parental substance misuse (Hidden Harm)Structured activitiesAdvice and supportDrop in (*Or can offer Drop in clinics)Support group(s) or Group supportOnline Support/ Self help Location map Get directions Fill in the form below. To This address Starting from * Travel mode DrivingWalkingBicyclingPublic transportGet Directions