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This service targets the victims of alcohol-related domestic abuse/sexual violence and alcohol abuse - awareness raising sessions and one to one support are available across the Southern Trust area alongside a specialised programme for children and young people


This service targets the victims of alcohol-related domestic abuse/sexual violence and alcohol abuse - awareness raising sessions and one to one support are available across the Southern Trust area alongside a specialised programme for children and young people


This service targets the victims of alcohol-related domestic abuse/sexual violence and alcohol abuse - awareness raising sessions and one to one support are available across the Southern Trust area alongside a specialised programme for children and young people


Services provided include - one to one counselling, extended (non residential) 6 – 12 week treatment programmes, relapse prevention and family support


Range of therapeutic support services for adults, young people and families with substance misuse issues/difficulties, suicide prevention, mental health, counselling, therapies, listening ear and family support