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NSES is an completely confidentail service that provides free sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users (of any type i.e. illegal opioids or stimulants, steroids or tanning solutions), alongside health promotion information or advice - the services can then safely dispose of any used injecting equipment on your return visit


NSES is an completely confidentail service that provides free sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users (of any type i.e. illegal opioids or stimulants, steroids or tanning solutions), alongside health promotion information or advice - the services can then safely dispose of any used injecting equipment on your return visit


NSES is an completely confidentail service that provides free sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users (of any type i.e. illegal opioids or stimulants, steroids or tanning solutions), alongside health promotion information or advice - the services can then safely dispose of any used injecting equipment on your return visit


NSES is an completely confidentail service that provides free sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users (of any type i.e. illegal opioids or stimulants, steroids or tanning solutions), alongside health promotion information or advice - the services can then safely dispose of any used injecting equipment on your return visit


NSES is an completely confidential service that provides free sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users (of any type i.e. illegal opioids or stimulants, steroids or tanning solutions), alongside health promotion information or advice - the services can then safely dispose of any used injecting equipment on your return visit


Statutory specialist addiction service provided by a range of specifically trained professionals providing physical, psychological and social interventions for individuals and families who experience moderate to high level of dependency to alcohol and/or drugs


Inpatient treatment service for adults with complex physical/psychological and social needs related to alcohol and/or drug dependency


Relate provides a relationship counselling service which focuses on the impact of alcohol use and/or misuse on relationships within families, couples and individuals


Support for families and children affected by parental substance misuse, including individual, family and group work ('hidden harm' service)


The service supports clients in reducing harm, accessing health care, maximising benefits, building relationships, recognising the impact of antisocial behaviour and identifying and pursuing personal aspirations