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DAISY provides therapeutic treatment and support services for children and young people, aged of 11 – 25, who are misusing substances - including support for family members


DAISY provides therapeutic treatment and support services for children and young people, aged of 11 – 25, who are misusing substances - including support for family members


Foyle Have is a Low Threshold Service aimed at those who misuse alcohol and drugs at harmful levels and/or in harmful ways but who are unable to commit to formal treatment - the service works with clients who may lead chaotic lives and need assistance to reduce serious harm to themselves, arising from their problematic drug or alcohol use


Low Threshold Service aimed at those who misuse alcohol and drugs at harmful levels and/or in harmful ways but who are unable to commit to formal treatment - the service works with clients who may lead chaotic lives and need assistance to reduce serious harm to themselves, arising from their problematic drug or alcohol use


Residential detox and support for men and women with alcohol related issues from the WHSCT area (detox beds) - men only (support beds)


Supports indiviudals (young people and adults) who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, due to alcohol misuse - service elements include rapid response, outreach support, drop in, and specialist support for individuals and families


NSES is an completely confidential service that provides free sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users (of any type i.e. illegal opioids or stimulants, steroids or tanning solutions), alongside health promotion information or advice - the services can then safely dispose of any used injecting equipment on your return visit


NSES is an completely confidential service that provides free sterile injecting equipment to injecting drug users (of any type i.e. illegal opioids or stimulants, steroids or tanning solutions), alongside health promotion information or advice - the services can then safely dispose of any used injecting equipment on your return visit