Steps 2 Cope provides one to one support and/or online web-based info, support and self help resources to young people, aged 11-18, affected by a parent's misue of alcohol
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Therapeutic support and treatment for children and families affected by parental substance misuse including individual, family and group work. Referrals are received from Social Services and from adult treatment services , including those in the voluntary sector.
Range of therapeutic support services for young people aged under 18 with significant mental health and substance misuse difficulties.
Referral process: GP/CAMHS referrals only
Low Threshold Service - Harm reduction focussed service for homeless injecting drug users to access supported hostel accommodation
Low Threshold Service - Harm reduction focussed therapeutic support for people at risk of losing their tenancy/accommodation due to problematic alcohol misuse
Family support service, one to one support, auricular acupuncture, mentoring and referral service
DAISY provides therapeutic treatment and support services for children and young people, aged of 11 – 25, who are misusing substances - including support for family members
Alateen is part of Al-Anon and is specifically is for teenage relatives and friends of alcoholics (aged 12-17) who meet to share their experiences of having, or having had, a problem drinker in their lives - you can call the head office to find out about an Alateen meeting close to you
Lifeline is the Northern Ireland 24/7 crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair - you will receive immediate help on the phone and should you need further support we can provide a face-to-face counselling appointment in your local area within seven days
One to one throughcare support where alcohol is an issue for prisoners and their families on release from prison (Hydebank, Maghaberry and Magilligan)