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This service is a structured support service for young people aged 11-25 years old, living in Northern Ireland, who have been impacted by parental substance misuse and mental health problems.
The Service offers flexible one to one support at a time and place to suit you. Self help support is also available on our website.

We look at:
1. What is living with this like for you
2. Information: Learning more about alcohol and alcohol misuse
3. How do you cope?
4. What supports do you have?
5. Where you can get further support.

We also train other professionals to use the intervention within their own services.


Delivery of age-appropriate life-skills and harm-reduction programmes to vulnerable young people using, or at-risk of using, substances.


NMDAP deliver a range of education and prevention packages to communities, service providers and individuals across the Newry and Mourne area - we also offer a specialised black and minority ethnic drug and alcohol service which covers the whole SHSCT area, and facilitate the work of the Civic Alcohol and Drug Forum in partnership with Newry & Mourne District Council