The DACT Connections Service (hosted in Southern area by Start 360) acts as the operational arm of the Southern Drug and Alcohol Coordination Team (SDACT); assisting the Team to take forward its priority actions and to work with other stakeholder organisations and partnerships in the area to develop and deliver drug and/or alcohol related projects, events and initiatives
Early intervention and prevention services
This section gives information on education and prevention services available across Northern Ireland which address drug and alcohol issues or concerns. These services are available in a number of settings such as in schools, workplaces, community and youth centres and clubs with many providing free drug and/or alcohol focussed awareness-raising advice, materials, sessions or programmes.
The YASIP One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues
Information, education and awareness services
NMDAP deliver a range of education and prevention packages to communities, service providers and individuals across the Newry and Mourne area - we also offer a specialised black and minority ethnic drug and alcohol service which covers the whole SHSCT area, and facilitate the work of the Civic Alcohol and Drug Forum in partnership with Newry & Mourne District Council
We provide a youth-friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues including drugs and alcohol, mental health, personal development and employability. We also offer the C-CARD initiative where we can provide 16-24 year olds with sexual health advice and contraception.