Drop in

This is a full list of the services provided by this organisation that are included on this website.

Early intervention and prevention
Our Space, Northern Counties Building, 24-26 Waterloo Place

The Youth Transition Project One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
2 Quay Lane

The Hang Out One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
22 Kilmorey Street

Information, education and awareness services

Early intervention and prevention
Unit 2 Ennville Court, Castlewellan Road

We provide a youth-friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues including drugs and alcohol, mental health, personal development and employability. We also offer the C-CARD initiative where we can provide 16-24 year olds with sexual health advice and contraception. 




Early intervention and prevention
81A Hill Street

The YASIP One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
2-6 Wellington Street

YES is a holistic health and well-being service for young people, aged 11-25, and is funded by the Public Health Agency. It provides:

  • A walk in service for information, support and signposting on a wide range of health & wellbeing issues.
  • A safe social space for young people in Ballymena town centre thorugh a Drop In service.
  • Activities promting positive health & wellbeing - fishing, crafts, football, health & fitness programmes.
  • Volunteering and development opportunities with our Youth Forum, with training and support provided.
  • C Card Sexual Health Service for 16-25 year olds - providign free condoms, dental dams, femidoms and lube.
  • A venue promoting young up and coming musicians with regular Gig Nights
  • An outreach service supporting local schools and youth groups 
  • Peer led group duiscussions/workshops on issues impacting young people
Early intervention and prevention
30-34 Irish Quarter West

The One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
North Down YMCA, 10-12 High Street

The One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
Falls Road

Drug and alcohol education and awareness programmes, accredited and non-accredited, targted at young people, parents, practitioners and/or local communities

Early intervention and prevention
Trench Road, Mallusk

The One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues