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The YASIP One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues


Parents and children (aged 12-16) participate in the 14-week SFP, both separately in the teen and parent sessions, and together in the family sessions - SFP aims to promote a healthy parent and child relationship by improving communication, bonding, parental monitoring and rule setting


We provide a youth-friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues including drugs and alcohol, mental health, personal development and employability. We also offer the C-CARD initiative where we can provide 16-24 year olds with sexual health advice and contraception. 





Information, education and awareness services


The Hang Out One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues


The Youth Transition Project One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues


SFP is an internationally-proven, evidence-based skills programme for vulnerable families, typically at Tier 2 of the Hardiker Risk Model. It is delivered over 14 weeks one evening a week. Its format consists of 14 modules, each of which begin with a family meal and involve group work for teenagers and parents in their respective groups, followed by family group work. Participating families also have home practice to consolidate the skills from the programme. Families are referred onto the programme by referral agents who can come from any one agency working to support a vulnerable family. The referral agent supports the family through the programme but all programme delivery takes place via a team of trained facilitators (group leaders) drawn from a range of agencies.


Certified Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC)
As your coach, I will help:
- mentor and guide you in learning how to embark on a life without alcohol.
- feel supported by providing a safe, non-judgemental and confidential environment to discuss your current challenges with alcohol.
- develop a recovery plan with realistic goals, help keep you accountable to it and continually reassess and make adjustments as you progress.
- work with you collaboratively to resolve barriers to change.
- be your guide/mentor in relation to coping mechanisms, moving through the cycle of change and developing new behaviour patterns.
- deal with relapse and work towards reducing the changes of it happening again.
- be your cheerleader helping you identify and celebrate the changes and progress made.
- guide you to other sources of help if required.

Coaching is person centred (you are the expert on you), forward focused and goal driven.
IMPORTANT - Coaching does not replace therapy or counselling. A recovery coach does not diagnose conditions or treat them. A Coach is not medically trained therefore cannot provide guidance in relation to detox or assistance to those who are physically dependent on alcohol.


Delivery of age-appropriate life-skills and harm-reduction programmes to vulnerable young people using, or at-risk of using, substances.