Social/recreational opportunities

This is a full list of the services provided by this organisation that are included on this website.

Early intervention and prevention
Our Space, Northern Counties Building, 24-26 Waterloo Place

The Youth Transition Project One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
New Horizons, Unit 13, Springtown Industrial Estate

QUEST works collaboratively with people to identify triggers or patterns of behaviours that lead to periods of alcohol misuse or lifestyle decisions which are continually impacting negatively on their mental health - activities range from personal development programmes and stress management to confidence building and negotiating skills

Early intervention and prevention
Drumco Centre

QUEST works collaboratively with people to identify triggers or patterns of behaviours that lead to periods of alcohol misuse or lifestyle decisions which are continually impacting negatively on their mental health - activities range from personal development programmes and stress management to confidence building and negotiating skills

Early intervention and prevention
2 Quay Lane

The Hang Out One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
Unit 2 Ennville Court, Castlewellan Road

We provide a youth-friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues including drugs and alcohol, mental health, personal development and employability. We also offer the C-CARD initiative where we can provide 16-24 year olds with sexual health advice and contraception. 




Early intervention and prevention
81A Hill Street

The YASIP One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
2-6 Wellington Street

YES is a holistic health and well-being service for young people, aged 11-25, and is funded by the Public Health Agency. It provides:

  • A walk in service for information, support and signposting on a wide range of health & wellbeing issues.
  • A safe social space for young people in Ballymena town centre thorugh a Drop In service.
  • Activities promting positive health & wellbeing - fishing, crafts, football, health & fitness programmes.
  • Volunteering and development opportunities with our Youth Forum, with training and support provided.
  • C Card Sexual Health Service for 16-25 year olds - providign free condoms, dental dams, femidoms and lube.
  • A venue promoting young up and coming musicians with regular Gig Nights
  • An outreach service supporting local schools and youth groups 
  • Peer led group duiscussions/workshops on issues impacting young people
Early intervention and prevention
30-34 Irish Quarter West

The One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
North Down YMCA, 10-12 High Street

The One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues

Early intervention and prevention
Trench Road, Mallusk

The One Stop Shop Service provides a youth friendly, holistic health and well-being service where young people, aged 11-25, have opportunities to socialise and to get advice and support on a range of issues